Published in 'Newslink', Headstart ABI Service; December, 2017
This month I've decided to contribute one of the stories I have been writing for the North Arm Cove Writers. They're a good bunch and being involved with them has provided a good avenue to flex the writer's muse, where each month we look at one aspect of writing and then are given a topic to work with. Back in April, we were presented with a list of objects and had to choose from that- mine was 'a washing machine'.
It was an ancient washing machine, rusted and covered in dirt. Across the front was scribbled 'wash me!'- evidently some smart-arse's attempt at originality. A front loader, it's glass face allowed for it's contents to be monitored- mandatory since the Sards Wars of 2035 where hordes of tiny robotic killers had spewed out of innocent-looking machines and aided Karl's Robotic Army.
Not so commonly known, however, was the function where if a certain button was pushed and the correct sequence of controls activated, the hidden motherboard would spring to life. In all it's glory, it would then resurrect the machine in it's true identity: 'Washobot'.