Monday, July 10, 2017

My NDIS Journey- Take 4

Published in 'Newslink', Headstart ABI Service; June, 2017

An update my NDIS plan: 5 months after our request for a review, a phone call came from an embarrassed St Vincent’s worker. It turned out that the application had in fact been lost!

Though initially frustrating, my mother saw this was in fact for the best, as our goals have changed with 2017’s developments anyways. Shortly afterwards, the pair met face to face and their discussion highlighted the problems with the funding. Though support is needed, the plan must be more suited to my needs.

Fortunately however and from looking at my file, the St Vinnies worker could see that I have useful skills and attributes. Their talk then went on to mention possible work avenues, prospects which will certainly allow us to move further ahead. Watch this space…

Meanwhile, I continue to volunteer over at Peter Sinclair Gardens. Things have settled after the renovation work and the arrival of a new manager in June. Activities has picked up with regular visiting acts and June’s ‘Winter Festival’, which featured talented musos and a very clever magician. And I have been filling in for Tuesday’s absent ‘sing-a-long’ pianist, singing at Wednesday’s church services and assisting with activities like indoor bowls, word games and T’ai Chi.

Through all this, we’re learning that appropriate networks are crucial. And we must remain open to all avenues available to help us achieve our goals because sometimes, that detour may prove to be exactly where you needed to go.


  1. “That detour may prove to be exactly where you needed to go” Ain’t that so often the truth?!
    Where are you up to in your NDIS journey?

  2. Filling in as the 'sing-a-long' pianist sounds wonderful - what a great talent to have. I'm sure it was appreciated!
